
These are word's examples related to contrast. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于contrast的信息


  • There's a striking contrast between what he does and what he says he does.

  • The mountains stood in sharp contrast to the blue sky.

  • The president spoke with passion for an hour, in marked contrast to his subdued address to the parliament yesterday.

  • I love the contrast between the sharpness of the lemon and the sweetness of the honey.

  • Did you see the photos of her before and after her makeover? What a contrast!

  • Her later sensual works contrast starkly with the harsh earlier paintings.

  • The president's passionate speech contrasted strongly with his subdued address to the parliament yesterday.

  • What he said contrasted strikingly with what he actually did.

  • The designer chose bright curtains and cushions that contrast with the subdued wallpaper.

  • The sharpness of the lemon contrasts deliciously with the sweetness of the sugar.

  • English, by contrast, is a language in which argument omission is not permitted.

  • In contrast, action planning is an off-line operation, planning future actions in accordance with expected and/or intended future events.

  • In contrast, the nonspatial characteristics of the target (such as its weight or function) are almost completely unlikely to change after the movement is planned.

  • This too was in marked contrast to the conduct of planning before the devaluation.

  • This is in contrast to group 3 species, which were not found in rice fields.

  • The verbal gerund, by contrast, can combine with adverbs, auxiliaries, ordinary objects, and common-case subjects.

  • Ordinary forgetting, by contrast, is neither selective nor intelligent.

  • By contrast, ordinary adjectives without passive morphology were unlikely to be reanalyzed as verbs or to give rise to a verbal interpretation.

  • Cognitive factors involved in preserving a phonetic contrast.

  • Two contrasting dispersal models, one purely diffusive and one stratified, were then chosen to simulate colonization for the two contrasting initial genetic structures.

  • Older physicians, in contrast, probably looked forward to returning to their established practices.

  • In contrast, when eco-forestry is unsubsidized, groups meeting their own set-up costs, the returns per hectare are still positive but very modest.

  • In contrast, lithium or imipramine reduced depression scores but did not improve learning.

  • There are numerous contrasts between these two regions.

  • They contrast with syntactic representations, which are structured in terms of lexical heads and grammatical functions or relations.









