
These are word's examples related to accept. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于accept的信息


  • After a lot of careful thought, she decided to accept their offer.

  • She is too proud to accept any help.

  • Do you think the seller will accept £196, 000 for the house?

  • I don't usually accept lifts from strange men.

  • A lot of shops won't accept cheques unless you have a cheque card with you.

  • It is difficult for many people to accept a literal interpretation of the Bible.

  • The committee decided with one voice to accept the proposal.

  • While I accept that he's not perfect in many ways, I do actually quite like the man.

  • He was a very stubborn man who refused to accept defeat.

  • We must accept the results of a democratic election.

  • She can't accept she made a mistake and now she's trying to lay the blame on her assistant.

  • Rationally, he knows that she won't ever go back to him, but emotionally he can't accept it.

  • She refused to accept that she was wrong and stalked furiously out of the room.

  • I had to accept that the relationship had run its course.

  • It was a terrible struggle for him to accept her death.

  • Major alterations to the text will be accepted only at the author's expense.

  • The loose-coupling theory is not yet generally accepted.

  • I have accordingly suggested that such an account cannot be accepted as it stands, and needs revision.

  • Giegerich 1999 : 17), because the conditions for accepting the ' given ', already existing, are distinct from the conditions for creating the new.

  • In many areas, the idea that a clear-cut boundary exists between the presence and absence of pathology is no longer accepted.

  • The majority (n=90, 89.1 %) felt accepted by most people, 8 (7.9 %) by some, 3 (3 %) by no one.

  • Only diagnoses made by appropriately qualified staff (consultant psychiatrists or consultant paediatricians working in the field of neurodevelopmental disability) were accepted as valid.

  • Women have also had more difficulty than men in being accepted into another prestigious domain, the literary canon.

  • The central committee usually accepts ideas coming from a few top political leaders as absolute and unquestionable.

  • One lear ns more about the notion of collaborative lear ning if one accepts that conflict and disag reement can also be involved.

  • Because this is ethnographic research that uses a case study method, we accepted the first four families who met our requirements and agreed to participate.

  • The six papers that were accepted represent major areas of research in the field.

  • Generalizations are accepted when they fall into one of the two groups described in the rest of the section: best rules and contextual rules.

  • Thus, it is proven that if a string is generated by the context-free grammar, it is accepted by the finite-state approximation of the grammar.

  • The parser uses a chart-based best-first algorithm that accepts input incrementally.









