
These are word's definitions related to sort. Click on any word to go to its word's detail page. Or, 更多关于sort的信息


  • 0 a group of things that are of the same type or that share similar qualities

    • We both like the same sort of music. 我們倆喜歡同一類音樂。

    • I'm going to have a salad of some sort. 我想吃一些沙拉。

    • What sort of shoes will I need? 我需要什麽樣的鞋子呢?

    • We saw all sorts (= many types) of animals in the park. 我們在公園裡看見了各種各樣的動物。

    • Many sorts of bacteria are resistant to penicillin. 有很多種細菌能抵抗盤尼西林。

    • This sort of camera is very expensive. 這種照相機很貴。

    • Plants of this sort need shady conditions. 這種植物需要在陰涼的環境下生長。

    • Hmm, this is my sort of wine! 嗯,這是我喜歡的葡萄酒!

    • I'd have thought these black trousers were more your sort of thing. 我本以爲這條黑色褲子才是你喜歡的那種。

    • I wouldn't have thought he was your sort (= was the type of man you would be attracted to). 我沒想到你喜歡他這種類型。

    • They sell souvenirs, postcards, that sort of thing. 他們賣紀念品、明信片之類的東西。

  • 1 a person having the stated or suggested character

    • He seemed like a decent sort to me. 在我看來,他似乎是很正派的那種人。

  • 2 to put a number of things in an order or to separate them into groups

    • Paper, plastic, and cans are sorted for recycling. 紙張、塑膠和罐子分開歸類以便回收。

    • I'm going to sort these old books into those to be kept and those to be thrown away. 我打算把這些舊書分成要留下的和要丟掉的兩類。

    • You can use the computer to sort the newspaper articles alphabetically, by date, or by subject. 你可以用電腦把這些報刊文章按字母順序、日期或主題進行排列。

    • She found the ring while sorting (through) some clothes. 她在整理衣服時找到了那枚戒指。

  • 3 to deal with something by repairing or organizing it

    • Can you sort the car by tomorrow? 你明天能把汽車修好嗎?

    • We must get the phone sorted soon. 我們必須馬上找人把電話修好。

    • I must get this paperwork sorted before I go on holiday next week. 我下星期度假之前必須把這些文書工作處理完。








