up to date คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย


ตัวอย่างของ up to date

  • In general, the chapters provide well written, researched, up to date summaries of their chosen topics.

  • As a collection of essays there are two main challenges: to integrate the pieces into a coherent whole and to bring them up to date.

  • Their webpages must be adequately funded to allow them to have a professional appearance, easy site navigation, excellent content and to keep up to date.

  • The key challenge here is to strike a balance between keeping displayed information up to date and swamping the parallel computation with profile messages.

  • What more likely, then, that his mission in revisions would be to bring the most backward-looking aspects of a piece violently up to date?

  • Yet modernism consists in being up to date, and this collection is haunted by the modernist sense that modernism is itself outdated.

  • These semantics apart, the book is informative, up to date, critical, concise and balanced.

  • There is a requirement for medical professionals to access vast amounts information and numerous, up to date guidelines within their working lives.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
