motorist คําจํากัดความในภาษาไทย

  • 0 a person who drives a motor car -- คนขับรถยนต์

    • The motorist could not avoid hitting the dog.


ตัวอย่างของ motorist

  • It prioritized different elements, favouring pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers, and according the lowest priority to private motorists commuting to work.

  • It encodes knowledge about the significance of different incident types, such as the likely range and nature of their effect on other motorists.

  • This applies not only to legal time gains but also to the time gains that motorists obtain by exceeding speed limits.

  • Similarly, motorists may be subject to cognitive limitations to the effect that they misjudge the speed at which a certain corner can be taken safely.

  • Nevertheless, motorists still complained of the complications and detours in the city centre.

  • He also explains the con-ict between local authorities and the motorists' lobby, which the latter largely won.

  • It suited lazy motorists and profit-marginconscious restaurateurs alike.

  • There are many obvious applications such as athletics coaching, monitoring patients after an operation, identifying fatigue in public service drivers and private motorists.





May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
