wellness Definition på svenska


Examples of wellness

  • To sum up, the preceding section offered policy recommendations for wellness-enhancement-type prevention steps.

  • Effective prevention and wellness enhancement require a nexus of supportive social policies.

  • Conversely, serious deficits in early wellness development are likely to predispose significant impediments to later wellness.

  • The outer layer maintains the illusion of wellness, and people do maintain the illusion of being well to a point.

  • The strategy requires giving primacy to all areas of prevention and wellness promotion, and public health nurses are arguably at the centre of that endeavour.

  • Early psychological wellness is a key gateway to a child's later development.

  • Unfortunately, many children in modern society grow up under family and life conditions that impede the formation of a base of psychological wellness.

  • Each party brings to the clinical encounter its own cultural heritage and belief system about health, illness, wellness, and disease.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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