spinal Definition på svenska


Examples of spinal

  • In the spinal cord, many large axons lack myelin, but many axons have very thin myelin sheaths, which is indicative of remyelination.

  • To prevent damage by the calorific source of the halogen lamp, during illumination the spinal cord was bathed with saline solution.

  • In the flexible-dosage study in patients with spinal cord injury pain, 22% of pregabalin and 8% of placebo-treated patients were responders.

  • These activated spinal microglia are mainly residential microglia, but might also include migrating microglia from the circulation.

  • He fell at the group home where he lives and sustained a spinal cord injury.

  • If the gene product is released by transduced neurons it may enter both the spinal cord and the periphery.

  • These peripheral nerves are used as a route to the spinal cord.

  • As mentioned, one patient in this series underwent five surgical excisions of the primary and recurrent spinal cord tumours.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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