slaking Definition på svenska


Examples of slaking

  • The grinding technology of the time consisted only of flat millstones, and it was more economic to comminute the limestone by burning and slaking than by grinding.

  • Flint clay breaks with a pronounced conchoidal fracture and resists slaking in water.

  • Perfect slaking of the calcined lime before being used is very important as, if used in a partially slaked condition, it will blow when in position and blister the work.

  • There is some dispute as to the comparative quality of putty formed from hydrated lime compared to that produced as putty at the time of slaking.

  • In "wet slaking" enough water, but not too much, is added to hydrate the quicklime and form a putty referred to as lime putty.

  • These include sub-processes of cryofracture, insolation weathering, slaking, salt weathering, bioturbation and anthropogenic impacts.

  • It consists primarily of calcium hydroxide which is derived by slaking quicklime (calcium oxide), and may contain up to 5% of other ingredients.

  • It may be a matter of slaking curiosity.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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