scare quotes Definition på svenska


Examples of scare quotes

  • A bracketed exclamation point or question mark as well as scare quotes are also sometimes used to express irony or ironic sarcasm.

  • Orthographic conventions to mark or substitute for prosody include punctuation (commas, exclamation marks, question marks, scare quotes, and ellipses), and typographic styling for emphasis (italic, bold, and underlined text).

  • Scare quotes may be used to express disagreement with the original speaker's intended meaning without actually establishing grounds for disagreement or disdain, or without even explicitly acknowledging it.

  • Alternatively, material in scare quotes may represent the writer's concise (but possibly misleading) paraphrasing, characterization, or intentional misrepresentation of statements, concepts, or terms used by a third party.

  • The fact that these words were used regularly, even if in scare quotes, gave the impression that the view being put forward was somehow not rejecting these concepts.

  • In this case, unlike many other applications of scare quotes, the enclosed word is an actual quotation from another source.

  • Stove contended that these authors got around this problem by using these success words, but in scare quotes, e.g., knowledge.

  • The term "scare quotes" may be confusing because the word "scare" implies provocation, yet the term covers emotionally neutral usage as well.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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