geminate Definition på svenska


Examples of geminate

  • The question is : what clusters are considered partial geminates and hence moraic ?

  • I conclude that initial geminates may be moraic in some languages but not in others.

  • The consistent patterning of initial geminates as moraic as discussed in 2 is well captured by the representation in (9).

  • In most of the cases the mean measures are virtually identical for geminates and singletons.

  • Understanding geminates : the evolution of consonantal length contrasts.

  • Partial geminates reflect the failure of a coda to a-license all but those elements that are responsible for defining nasals and\or liquids.

  • In other words, coda geminates would be required to contribute to syllable weight while other coda consonants would not.

  • Finally, when length and weight are relevant, we predict syllables containing long vowels and coda geminates to pattern to the exclusion of all other types.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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