felled Definition på svenska


Examples of felled

  • This means that, from a financial point of view, the length of the felling cycle matters little as long as all valuable trees are felled in the first cut.

  • Direct assessment of the aboveground biomass is strenuous; all trees must be felled and weighed in a small sample area, in order to parameterize a regression method.

  • Although the exact figures may have been different in the past, the mechanism of erosion starting where forest is felled for a road must surely have operated then as now.

  • Surrounding smaller trees were felled for use as rough fences and a variety of millets, pulses and vegetables were intersown with the main crop of hill rice.

  • With each tree felled, the administration ran a greater risk of scandal or worse.

  • However, subsequent field inspections showed that some healthy pine and oak trees were being felled for carpentry and charcoal use.

  • Yet declarations which indicated merely the land area to be felled continued to be lodged and registered.

  • Under this system all valuable trees are felled, and the residual stand above a certain minimum diameter is poison-girdled.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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