drawing board Definition på svenska


Examples of drawing board

  • The latter is still on the drawing board and is unlikely ever to get off it.

  • The aircraft reached the drawing board and production only after the idea was quite clear.

  • The coordination of economic policies should not just be left on the drawing board.

  • If one is an engineer, then one will have an electronic drawing board with its light pencil.

  • Strokes can be made with the electronic pen and are then projected on the drawing board immediately; as a consequence, it feels like working with a normal workbook.

  • Serial-fluorescence micrographs were taken at different focal planes, projected onto a drawing board and the cell was drawn.

  • In 1930, lawmakers returned to the drawing board, and attempted to define nationality with greater precision.

  • A limitation has to be admitted: the interviewed architects were all educated within the drawing board and sketchbook tradition.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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