dependency Definition på svenska


Examples of dependency

  • These dependencies are no longer regarded as subject to transfer from one European power to another. 

  • The United States flag will be used in the archipelago and its dependencies, on land and sea. 

  • The Roman Empire was held together for many centuries, quite as much by the fact of her having made all her dependencies to share in the benefits of her laws, as by the strong hand of her cohorts. 

  • It was an old English settlement in the woods, which had now become the abode of a lord of Norman descent, who had built a castle, and held the town as his dependency. 

  • But if you ask whether we will allow any part of our colonies to become German or any part of our great dependencies to fall under German rule, the answer is in the negative. 




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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