defecting Definition på svenska


Examples of defecting

  • To aid in the interpretation of the results, the log odds of defection are transformed into probabilities of defecting for each expectation level, and both rank types.

  • As a result, the nasty sellers (exploitative agents) then learn to be reciprocative since cooperating would bring them more benefit than defecting in the long run.

  • We assume that, once the organized markets exist, there is a technology that keeps merchant's record of transaction, and punishment on defecting merchants is feasible.

  • In the case of alcoholism, the agent benefits from defecting (drinking scotch) in a game he is playing with his future self.

  • However, in prisoners' dilemmas each agent is better off defecting whatever other agents do while this is not the case in pure coordination problems.

  • There, that led to a slightly simpler formulation of the payoff from defecting than a deterministic lag.

  • This allows the opponent to exploit the agent so long as the opponent is not ' ' completely defecting' '.

  • As expectations of defection rise, the proportion of would-be co-operators defecting also rises.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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