cambium Definition på svenska


Examples of cambium

  • Inside the phloem is a layer of undifferentiated cells one cell thick called the vascular cambium layer.

  • The cork cambium gives rise to thickened cork cells to protect the surface of the plant and reduce water loss.

  • They bore in the cambium under the bark of the host plant, producing pitch masses on the trunk.

  • The plant has a large central medulla and a single vascular bundle containing the xylem, phloem and cambium.

  • The function of cork cambium is to produce the cork, a tough protective material.

  • The inner bark cambium and phloem tissues are living, and form a new protective layer of cells as the outer bark pulls apart.

  • They bore into the cambium of the trunk, branches, and twigs of their host plant.

  • Tree death was determined by an absence of foliage and lack of sap in the cambium.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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