abbreviating Definition på svenska

  • 0 present participle of abbreviate --

  • 1 to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of each word: --

    • "Chief Executive Officer" is abbreviated as "CEO".

    • "Daniel" is often abbreviated to "Dan".


Examples of abbreviating

  • With little room in the margins, instructors use more underlining, coding, and abbreviating.

  • There is of course difficulty in abbreviating a presentation of work which covers more than 700 papers and 25 books.

  • There are other abbreviating devices, including capitalisation, and the use of punctuation marks to denote combinations of sounds.

  • We are abbreviating everything now.

  • That is why we say that far from the debates so far being a reason for abbreviating the discussions, they are a reason for extending it.

  • I was abbreviating my remarks.

  • I am abbreviating the procedure somewhat.

  • We are now abbreviating that period to three years, and therefore we are greatly assisting the executors of the wife's estate.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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