surprise Определение на русском языке

  • 0 an event that you did not expect to happen -- неожиданность, сюрприз

  • 1 the feeling that you get when something happens that you did not expect -- удивление, изумление

    • He agreed to everything, much to my surprise.

  • 2 to be unexpected and make someone feel surprise -- захватывать кого-либо врасплох

  • 3 to make someone feel surprise -- удивлять

  • 4 to find or attack someone when they are not expecting it -- неожиданно нагрянуть или напасть


Examples of surprise

  • Even heroes who are raised within an existing religious tradition and know its teachings well are still surprised by their deities.

  • However, raising the minimum guarantee of the government resulted in no surprises.

  • If they were, then it should not be surprising that they did not rebel.

  • Every student will have to read it, and most will be surprised to find that they enjoy the task.

  • However, it was surprising just how strong were the interactions between students' prior styles of reasoning and the outcomes of dierent methods of teaching.

  • We should not, then, be surprised to find the combination of masterly evocative rhetoric and poetic co-ordination in his prose writings in general.

  • We are surprised even when we have, when we believe we have, complete mastery.

  • Without you having to defend your critics, have there been criticisms of it that surprised you?




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
