fraction Определение на русском языке

  • 0 a number less than 1, such as 1/2 or 3/4 -- дробь (в математике)

  • 1 a very small number or amount -- частица, доля

    • a fraction of a second


Examples of fraction

  • Erodible fraction is defined as the percentage of soil mass < 0.84 mm diameter, and this parameter has been related to soil wind erodibility.

  • To keep population size constant we apply a rescaling that keeps the fractions in the different population subgroups unchanged.

  • More precisely, suppose that p/q is a rational number, and we search for a continued fraction representation for it.

  • In the other benchmarks a much smaller fraction of unifications can be improved due to the heavy use of non-deterministic predicates.

  • Therefore, the explored fraction of a design space matters precisely because it decides the cost of accessing the unexplored designs.

  • If a scenario resulted in a substantial fraction of land in an island being inundated, land prices would rise.

  • The numbers in brackets represent the raw data expressed as a fraction, from which the percentages are calculated.

  • Here we consider that some fraction 1 - of the particles is reflected specularly and that the remaining fraction is reflected diffusely.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
