
Это слово examples, относящееся к fraction. Щелкните любое слово, чтобы перейти на страницу сведений о нем. Или, перейти к определению fraction.

Примеры fraction

  • A set of players, a constant fraction of which are dishonest, are trying to elect a common leader.

  • In each generation, a fraction m of each subpopulation is replaced by immigrants drawn randomly from the dk1 other subpopulations.

  • One 5- 5-m square (or a 1% sampling fraction) from each stratum was randomly selected using a table of random numbers.

  • Unlike many other types of cancers, only a small fraction of prostate cancer cases are aggressive and life-threatening.

  • Positive evidence has typically been obtained in conditions where the target follows the prime by a fraction of a second.

  • In their studies, litter turnover was estimated using litterfall and litter mass fractions >2 mm.

  • During the estimation of turnover rate, each fraction of these gaps was used separately.

  • Here we consider that some fraction 1 - of the particles is reflected specularly and that the remaining fraction is reflected diffusely.

  • The numbers in brackets represent the raw data expressed as a fraction, from which the percentages are calculated.

  • If a scenario resulted in a substantial fraction of land in an island being inundated, land prices would rise.

  • Therefore, the explored fraction of a design space matters precisely because it decides the cost of accessing the unexplored designs.

  • In the other benchmarks a much smaller fraction of unifications can be improved due to the heavy use of non-deterministic predicates.

  • More precisely, suppose that p/q is a rational number, and we search for a continued fraction representation for it.

  • To keep population size constant we apply a rescaling that keeps the fractions in the different population subgroups unchanged.

  • Erodible fraction is defined as the percentage of soil mass < 0.84 mm diameter, and this parameter has been related to soil wind erodibility.

Значение fraction

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May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
