capture Определение на русском языке

  • 0 to catch someone and make them your prisoner -- захватывать в плен

  • 1 to get control of a place with force -- захватывать

  • 2 to succeed in getting something when you are competing against other people -- завоевывать

    • The Green Party has captured 12% of the vote.

  • 3 to show or describe something successfully using words or pictures -- передавать, показывать

  • 4 to record someone or something on camera/film, etc -- запечатлеть кого-либо/что-либо на фотографии/пленке и т. д.

  • 5 to make someone very interested or excited -- приковывать внимание/овладевать воображением


Examples of capture

  • The results captured the interest of the participants.

  • In other words, this simulation captures the effects of increased use of water outside the park.

  • However, it is more likely that this variable captures certain unquantified aspects of the socio-economic levels of households.

  • The endogenous short-sale constraint, which captures the above idea, keeps an agent engaging in asset trading at every period.

  • Although we believe this story captures an important element in many actual crisis episodes, it is admittedly quite unconventional.

  • The first term in (16) captures the intragroup growth and the second term the growth due to compositional change in population.

  • Longitudinal asymmetry captures the idea of temporal asymmetric behavior in the direction of the business cycle.

  • The enemy captured vast quantities of equipment including heavy artillery with which he was able to wage his war to a finish, and victoriously.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
