antler Определение на русском языке


Examples of antler

  • These items include elephant tusks, skins of felidae (cat), reptiles, chinchilla and others, and deer antlers.

  • I have argued that this special treatment was accorded to red deer antler because the antlers were part of an explicit renegotiation of the boundaries of the human body.

  • Antler also appears to have had a special connection with the site.

  • Connections between two of these artefact types - the antler frontlets and barbed antler points - suggest that some of these items at least retained a strong sense of their 'animalness'.

  • Living things have external references to each other : the flower to the insect, the colour red to being poisonous to eat, antlers to the mating season.

  • The remains included various invertebrates (gastropods, bivalves, and coral, all classified as shell) and skeletal elements from all vertebrate classes (including bones, teeth, and antlers, all classified as bone).

  • At all these sites combinations of one or more of large quantities of barbed points, animal teeth beads and antler frontlets were recovered from aquatic deposits.

  • Mating behaviour often involves displays of cumbersome feathers or antlers, or profligacy with food.




May 10, 2021




May 10, 2021
