Betydningen av canon på norsk

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canon Definisjon og betydning

  • 0 a rule (especially of the church) -- (kirke)lov

  • 1 a clergyman belonging to a cathedral -- kannik

    • He served as the Canon of St. Alban’s Church in Toronto.

  • 2 a list of saints -- liste over helgener

    • It was John Paul II who asserted that Sister Benedicta belonged in the canon of Christian saints.

  • 3 a musical composition in which one part enters after another in imitation -- kanon, kjedesang

    • Pachelbel’s canon in D major.

  • 4 all the writings of an author that are accepted as genuine -- klassikerne, den litterære kanon

    • the Shakespeare canon.


Daglig setning

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Vi kan fullføre den trinn for trinn, uansett hvor lang veien er, og den kan ikke fullføres uansett hvor kort veien er hvis du ikke en gang markerer fotavtrykket ditt.

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