word Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a combination of letters with a meaning -- ord [ neuter ]

    • Can you spell the word correctly? Kan du stave ordet riktig?

    • a dictionary containing over 12,000 words en ordbok som inneholder mer enn 12.000 ord

  • 1 [ singular ] a short conversation -- ord [ neuter ]

    • I had a quick word with him about not wearing jeans. Jeg hadde et raskt ord med ham om ikke å ha på seg olabukser.

  • 2 news or rumor -- beskjed [ masculine ]

    • We’ll send word when it’s OK for you to come. Vi gi deg beskjed når det passer at du kommer.

    • What’s the word on Jenny and Daniel – did they break up? Hva sier ryktene om Jenny og Daniel – slo de opp?

  • 3 [ plural ] what sb says -- uttrykk [ neuter ]

    • In the words of my favorite teacher – “you’re never too old to learn.” For å bruke min favorittlærers uttrykk – “man er aldri for gammel til å lære.”

  • 4 advice, a warning, etc. -- et lite råd/et advarende ord/et irettesettende ord [ nt/nt/nt ]

    • Just one word of warningdon’t trust any of them. Bare et advarende ord – ikke stol på noen av dem.

  • 5 the smallest unit of language (whether written, spoken or read) -- ord


Examples of word

  • Accessing conceptual representations for words in a second language.

  • Do bilinguals activate phonological representations in one or both of their languages when naming words?

  • But this doesn't necessarily mean that the locus of thought is natural language representations (words, syntax, phonology).

  • In the model, word final stops and fricatives were given weaker representations in the normal case to reflect their lower salience.

  • Thus, changes in known lexical representations may lead to changes in homonym learning but not novel word learning.

  • First, word forms can be accessed and recognized via the mental representations of their constituent morphemes.

  • This could be due to a purely syntactic difference between number words and adjectives.

  • Phonetic transcription reveals that many of children's early uses of wh- words are phonetically reduced and part of fixed sequences.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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