without Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 indicates what sb does not have, use, or do -- uten

    • They had gone without food for several days. De hadde gått uten mat i flere dager.

    • pest control without the use of chemicals bekjempelse av skadedyr uten bruk av kjemikaler

    • a homeless man without a coat en hjemløs mann uten frakk

    • She made all this food without help. Hun lagde all denne maten uten hjelp.

  • 1 not being with another person -- uten

    • She went home without us. Hun gikk hjem uten oss.

  • 2 in the absence of; not having -- uten

    • We cannot survive without water.

    • I could not live without him

    • They went without you

  • 3 not -- uten å


Examples of without

  • Taking the campaign to some parts of the country proved especially difficult for parties without a presence in those areas.

  • The effective number of parties increased significantly and minority governments without stable support in parliament became the standard type of government.

  • They reported being interested in what was being offered without having any pre-existing intention to take up these offers.

  • Let us note that the drainage assumption (4.12) can be replaced by an imbibition assumption without changes in the result.

  • Could the polity sustain pockets of autonomy in key border regions without risking the destabilisation of its interior?

  • This reinforces the importance of the problem in countries without well organized health care or without wide access of the entire population to such care.

  • Reconstructive procedures, however, lie along a continuum, without any clear boundary between therapeutic reconstructive surgery for a diagnosable problem and purely cosmetic surgery.

  • Phonetic coding and reading in college students with and without learning disabilities.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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