within Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 before a particular point in time has been reached -- innen

    • He should arrive within the next hour. Han bør komme innen den neste timen.

  • 1 not greater than a particular distance from -- mindre enn

    • The bullet passed within an inch of its target. Kulen passerte mindre enn en tomme fra målet.

  • 2 inside an organization, system, etc. -- i

    • problems within the military command problemer internt hos den militære kommandoen

  • 3 included in or not beyond a range or limit -- innenfor

    • within the rules innenfor regelverket

    • a project that was completed within budget et prosjekt som ble gjennomført innenfor budsjettet

  • 4 inside (the limits of) -- innen; inne i, inne fra, innenfor

    • His actions were within the law (= not illegal).

    • I could hear sounds from within the building

    • She’ll be here within an hour

  • 5 inside -- inne, innenfor

    • Car for sale. Apply within.


Examples of within

  • The patient usually retur ns home the day following the implant and retur ns to normal activities within a few days.

  • What gives it depth is situating these issues within the argument that runs through the book.

  • If a spell begins and ends within the panel, the duration can be determined.

  • Another example is tumour localisation within the thorax.

  • The concept of the life course is often subsumed within a contemporary sociology that assumes a high degree of diversity, fluidity and individual choice.

  • At the county level, there are incentives to retain patients by developing treatment capacity within the county.

  • The registration law of successive occupation stipulated that those electors who moved only within a parliamentary borough would not be disqualified by the move.

  • All that has been done here has been to demonstrate that the court moved with caution and within established guidelines.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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