while Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 during or at the same time as -- mens

  • 1 indicates a difference -- mens

    • While the first test was really hard, the second was really easy. Mens den første prøven var veldig vanskelig, var den andre veldig lett.

  • 2 although -- selv om

  • 3 a period of time -- stund [ masculine ]

    • Dad worked in Cairo for a little while. Pappa jobbet i Kairo en liten stund.

    • It was a good while before he came out again. Det gikk en god stund før han kom ut igjen.

    • We had to wait a while. Vi måtte vente en stund.

  • 4 during the time that -- mens; under, så lenge

    • I saw him while I was out walking.

  • 5 although -- selv om


Examples of while

  • For example, one might grow by 20 per cent, while the other remains constant.

  • The environments were considered as random variables while the genotypes were treated as fixed variables.

  • Cycles were considered as fixed effects while year was a random effect.

  • Profit maximization ranked very low in the early and mid group, while it was mentioned more frequently among the late entrants.

  • The former tries to delay some computations while the second drives different computations through a tree of branching paths.

  • Twentythree second elections resulted in a lower effective number of parties, while only seven second elections resulted in a higher effective number of parties.

  • Some participants reported that the threat was current and ongoing, while others did not think it would happen for over 6 months.

  • While the character was absent, another character removed the object from the location, and replaced it with a different object.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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