what Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 used to ask for specific information -- hvilken

    • What type of food would you like? Hva slags mat vil du ha?

    • What time is the meeting tomorrow? Til hvilket klokkeslett er møtet i morgen?

  • 1 emphasizes a description -- for

  • 2 used to ask for specific information -- hva

    • What did you do? Hva gjorde du?

    • What do you think she’s going to say? Hva tror du hun kommer til å si?

  • 3 the thing that is being talked about -- hva som

    • She told me what had happened. Hun fortalte meg hva som hadde hendt.

  • 4 used to ask about the purpose of sth -- hva … til/for?

    • What did you do that for? Hva gjorde du det for?

    • What’s this money for? Hva er disse pengene til?

  • 5 used to ask why -- hvorfor?

    • “I told them to leave.” “What for?” “Jeg bad dem om å gå.” “Hvorfor?”




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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