view Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 everything that can be seen from a particular location -- utsikt [ masculine ]

    • As you come out of the tunnel the whole city comes into view. Idet du kommer ut av tunnelen, kommer hele byen til syne.

    • a stunning view of the hills en fantastisk utsikt over åsene

    • the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower utsikten fra toppen av Eiffeltårnet

  • 1 an opinion -- syn [ neuter ]

  • 2 as a result of -- på grunn av

    • In view of these difficulties, we have decided to postpone the meeting. På grunn av disse vanskelighetene har vi bestemt oss for å utsette møtet.

  • 3 with the aim or purpose of -- med sikte på

    • We bought the property with a view to selling it in a few years’ time. Vi kjøpte eiendommen med sikte på å selge den om noen år.

  • 4 to have a particular opinion about, or to consider in a particular way -- se på

    • Torture is generally viewed as immoral. Tortur er allment betraktet som umoralsk.

    • The accused will not be viewed favorably by the jury. Tiltalte vil ikke bli betraktet med velvilje av juryen.

    • Voters viewed his speech with skepticism. Velgerne så på talen hans med skepsis.

  • 5 to watch -- se på

    • We’ll be able to view the fireworks from the boat. Vi vil kunne se fyrverkeriet fra båten.

    • Millions of people viewed his video online. Millioner av mennesker så videoen hans på nettet.


Examples of view

  • From the point of view of advanced undergraduate teaching the topic provides an excellent example of the evolution of an orogenic belt by terrane accretion.

  • This system represents selected places by local 360 views of the surrounding scenes.

  • This conflicting opinion, together with complex cultural and socioeconomic issues surrounding wetlands, has given rise to a plethora of views on how to develop wetlands.

  • From the point of view of the higher-level authority, it remains a completely open question.

  • The papers represented the views of different parties affected by breathlessness or those involved in their care.

  • One viewed the community as an object - a network of interdependent systems, bureaucratic organizations, interest groups, political parties, and so forth, which is acted upon.

  • From the application's point of view, the requirement was to deliver joint values whenever requested by the feeder.

  • The experiences and views of homeless people interviewed for the study are reported in chapter seven.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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