type Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a group of things or people of the same kind -- type [ masculine ]

    • We have this type of trouble all the time. Vi har denne typen problemer hele tiden.

    • the three main types of volcanoes de tre hovedtypene av vulkaner

    • a type of nerve damage en slags nerveskade

    • a type of water bird en slags vannfugl

  • 1 a person with particular qualities or characteristics -- type [ masculine ]

    • Tall blondes aren’t my type. Høye blondiner er ikke min type.

    • He’s the type to argue with whatever you say. Han er den typen som krangler om alt du sier.

    • She’s the quiet type. Hun er den rolige typen.

  • 2 printed letters -- type [ masculine ]

    • words printed in very large type ord trykt med veldig store typer

  • 3 to write sth using a computer keyboard or similar device -- skrive

    • I typed a few more words. Jeg skrev noen ord til.

    • He can type without looking. Han kan skrive uten å se på tastaturet.

  • 4 a kind, sort; variety -- type

  • 5 (a particular variety of) metal blocks with letters, numbers etc used in printing -- skrifttype

    • Can we have the headline printed in a different type?


Examples of type

  • Both types of factors may be important, but in different ways.

  • They categorize variables into four types: cabinet attributes, country attributes, attributes of the party system and controls.

  • I cannot distinguish these types of terminations from other terminations.

  • The basic idea is to implement the six different types of processes as sub-classes of the process object.

  • Three interviewees, by contrast, said they would seek non-standard work, but only as a compromise to their not having gained standard types of work.

  • Changes in civil registration are seen as an essential condition for implementing other types of changes in the family policy arena.

  • As a result of this complicated history, there were three types of private ownership of lighthouses.

  • By 1938, 800,000 mutualistes were covered, and were eligible to enter these types of surgical clinics.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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