sunrise Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 the time at which the sun becomes visible in the sky in the morning -- soloppgang [ masculine ]

    • We got up at sunrise. Vi stod opp ved soloppgang.

  • 1 the rising of the sun in the morning, or the time of this -- soloppgang, solrenning

    • We got up at sunrise.


Examples of sunrise

  • The area around the lake is a good place to observe sunrises.

  • There was a dawn peak at 02.38 h and a peak at 05.29 h, about 30 min before sunrise.

  • The horses were let out each morning at 0900 h (well after sunrise) and spent the day grazing in the fields.

  • Sunrise's specialization on robot anime continues to this date.

  • Of thirty of these sidereal days is composed a month; a civil (savana) month consists of as many sunrises;: 13.

  • He was a noted post-impressionist painter of cowboys, sunrises and seascapes.

  • Sunrise's disappearance from the scene left a number of small publishers without the cash flow to continue, and they too went out of business.

  • The process is not inexorable, however, since the late sunrises experienced by such places during the winter may be regarded as too undesirable.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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