straighten Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to become or make straight -- rette

    • Her curls had straightened in the rain. Krøllene hennes hadde rettet seg ut i regnet.

    • He straightened his hat in the mirror. Han rettet på hatten sin i speilet.

  • 1 to make or become straight -- rette ut, glatte


Examples of straighten

  • He will be intimate with them; and when things go wrong they can be straightened out amicably.

  • There are bound to be many border-line cases, but they can be straightened out with good will.

  • The matter needs straightening out, and it is about time that something was done to put them on a par.

  • Widening bridges and straightening the curves on the midland main line would do more than electrification for average speeds.

  • There are a number of anomalies which, perhaps, can be straightened out.

  • Even today, their attitude has not been straightened out.

  • Once the position is straightened out, the giveaway will come.

  • A dichotomy is established through hairstyles (braided vs. straightened), clothing (traditional kanga vs. bathing suit), skin color (darker vs. perhaps chemically altered light skin), and footwear (barefoot vs. high heels).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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