size Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 how big or small sth is -- størrelse [ masculine ]

    • the size of the company’s workforce størrelsen på selskapets arbeidsstyrke

    • Roses can be many different colors and sizes. Roser finnes i mange forskjellige farger og størrelser.

  • 1 one of the standard measurements used in clothes and shoes -- størrelse [ masculine ]

    • Do you have these shoes in a size ten? Har du disse skoene i nummer ti?

    • What size do you wear? Hvilken størrelse bruker du?

  • 2 the fact of being large -- størrelse [ masculine ]

    • Look at the size of that watermelon! Se hvor stor den vannmelonen er!

  • 3 to study a situation or person carefully and form an opinion -- måle

    • I could see she was sizing me up. Jeg kunne se at hun målte meg med blikket.

  • 4 largeness -- størrelse

  • 5 one of a number of classes in which shoes, dresses etc are grouped according to measurements -- størrelse; nummer

    • I take size 5 in shoes.


Examples of size

  • Because this intervention evaluation is ongoing, not all participants had yet completed postassessments, a fact that contributed to the unequal cell sizes.

  • After defect sizing with a static measuring balloon, the devices were deployed using fluoroscopic and transoesophageal echo control.

  • Correlations were computed using a pairwise procedure, and sample sizes range from 907 to 2,064.

  • Unfortunately, the small sample sizes do not permit statistical adjustment for nonrandom missingness in the reported analyses.

  • There are several possible reasons for the small effect sizes within our study.

  • Both effect sizes and test statistics are repor ted below when significant group differences were detected.

  • Now snip off a comparably sized piece from a diffraction image hologram containing the same chair information.

  • Firms of different sizes can pursue different business strategies, because their interests do not overlap.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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