publication Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 sth that is published -- publikasjon [ masculine ]

    • a weekly/monthly/yearly publication en ukentlig/månedlig/årlig utgivelse

  • 1 the act or process of publishing -- publisering [ masculine ]

    • the publication date publiseringsdatoen

    • at the time of publication på utgivelsestidspunktet

  • 2 the act of publishing or announcing publicly -- offentliggjøring, publisering

    • the publication of the facts.

    • the publication of a new novel

  • 3 something that has been published eg a book or magazine -- publikasjon, verk


Examples of publication

  • Although governments could seize offending publications without prior legal authorization, all seizures had later to be #!

  • Drugs approved recently were more likely to have articles published early after approval, probably because the total number of publications has increased during the years.

  • There is always ample factual information, which also neatly guides the reader through the plethora of government publications.

  • All the organizations mentioned used their conferences, meetings, and publications to disseminate information about the latest government thinking.

  • We want to encourage true innovators with grants and publications in top journals, and discourage crackpots, but sometimes we cannot tell who is who.

  • If no assignment is listed, then multiple assignments are given in the original publications.

  • We must be careful to add all information sources, publications and interviews with the composer, other performers, musicologists, listeners and others.

  • I guess this makes these other major scholars and publications also guilty of "fraud" and other related sins by daring to publish such thoughts!




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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