obstruct Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to block sth so that nothing can pass or move -- blokkere

    • rocks obstructing the path steiner som blokkerer veien

    • a piece of food obstructing the flow of air et matbit som blokkerer for luftstrømmen

  • 1 to prevent sth from progressing -- hindre

    • to obstruct justice å motarbeide rettsvesenet

  • 2 to block or close -- sperre, blokkere

    • The road was obstructed by a fallen tree.

  • 3 to stop (something) moving past or making progress -- hindre, vanskeliggjøre


Examples of obstruct

  • The immediate subaortic region was obstructed with a prominent and mobile superior septal mass (valvar rudiments).

  • The randomization technique makes it possible to avoid complications like pivoting that have obstructed adoption of quadtree algorithms in the past.

  • Furthermore, the lack of a control group obstructs the assessment of the effectiveness of the two study conditions.

  • Resilient informal practices have obstructed the development of judicial autonomy.

  • However, this is not quite true because the length call will actually ignore the obstructing sum calls from fp during fusion.

  • To mark these calls uniquely, we place a small o subscript on each obstructing function call.

  • The teacher's expectations of the pupils were musical, but obstructed by the technical dif®culty and unmusical structure of the program.

  • A small ventricular septal defect, partially obstructed by folds of dysplastic tricuspid valvar tissue, also allowed for communication between the left and right ventricles.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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