nudge Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 to push gently using a part of your body -- dulte borti

    • He nudged me and said, “Tell her!” Han dultet borti meg og sa “Si det til henne!”

    • The elephant nudged her baby onto its feet. Elefanten skubbet avkommet sitt på bena.

  • 1 -- dytt [ masculine ]

    • to give sb a nudge å gi noen en dult

  • 2 a gentle push usually with the elbow -- dult, dytt

    • He gave her a nudge.

  • 3 to hit gently, usually with the elbow -- dulte, skubbe

    • She nudged him in the ribs.


Examples of nudge

  • Now oil is nudging $27 a barrel, and the increases cannot be hidden.

  • Without having that apparatus, my judgment of the direction our policy should take is that it should be nudged towards reflation.

  • For years now every government have been nudging and hinting at the universities to cut expenditure.

  • Now the clock is in part to be nudged back: compulsory recognition of trade unions is to be reintroduced.

  • How might we wisely nudge this future?

  • The attack on the private sector, moreover, nudged the state in the direction of politically motivated public-policy projects, which compelled it to look for increased sources of revenue.

  • Plausibility is maximized when we identify not just structural ambiguities that allow for reanalysis, but also extra-structural factors that nudge the interpretation in the direction of a particular analysis.

  • Protestants contribute to the deliberation about access when they nudge the analysis of moral notions in the direction of the story they love to tell and struggle to live.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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