inflation Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 the rate at which prices rise or the economic process that causes this -- inflasjon [ masculine ]

    • the rate of inflation inflasjonstakten

    • Inflation is rising rapidly. Inflasjonen øker raskt.

  • 1 the process of blowing up with air -- oppblåsing [ masculine ]

    • Use the foot pump for easy inflation. Bruk fotpumpen for lettere oppblåsing.

  • 2 a situation in country’s economy where prices and wages keep forcing each other to increase -- inflasjon

    • Inflation has risen to 3.5%.

  • 3 the process of inflating or being inflated. -- oppblåsing, oppumping


Examples of inflation

  • For simplicity, the inflation rate, the money growth rate, and the output growth rate are assumed to be zero in the steady-state.

  • But, as soon as the war ended, social unrest spread rapidly because of fierce inflation and other factors.

  • An interesting question is whether an inflation threshold, for example, of 10 percent is significantly different from a threshold of 8 percent or 15 percent.

  • Lower inflation rates not only lead to clearer pricing signals and better investment decisions by economic agents, but also protect fixed income earners.

  • The positive and partly delayed responses of income and inflation are plausible.

  • Figure 3 shows that the optimal volatility of inflation decreases when the elasticity of demand increases (the markup decreases).

  • In the long run, stocks are considered a partial hedge for inflation risk.

  • Note that all variables except for the interest and inflation rates are in logarithms and refer to deviations from some exogenous equilibrium (growth path).




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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