framework Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a system or set of rules -- rammeverk [ neuter ]

    • a framework for teaching math skills et grunnlag for å lære bort matematiske ferdigheter

  • 1 the part of a structure that supports and gives shape -- reisverk [ neuter ]

    • the framework of the aircraft flyets konstruksjon

    • a wooden/metal framework et rammeverk av tre/metall

  • 2 the basic supporting structure of anything -- rammeverk, skjelett


Examples of framework

  • We believe that there are at least three theoretical frameworks that could provide the basis for the study of codeswitching in instructed settings.

  • The purpose of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework for adequate assessment procedures to testing foreign language vocabulary.

  • Here we propose a theoretical framework based on a psycholinguistic grain size approach to guide the collection of evidence in different countries.

  • Section 2 begins with an overview of the theoretical challenge, and then presents a category-theoretic framework for deriving transition systems.

  • It presents a framework within which these and other recommender systems can be understood.

  • The rules for organizing frameworks and assigning surfaces to them are complex and not fully-understood.

  • While labour demand is modelled, labour supply is supposed to follow the demand within the framework of constant nominal wage rates.

  • This provides a framework (via a set of tasks) for school-based information-gathering prior to teaching practice.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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