explanation Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 sth that tells you why or how sth happens -- forklaring [ masculine ]

    • The meeting was canceled without explanation. Møtet ble avlyst uten noen forklaring.

    • The article provided/offered no explanation. Artikkelen gav ingen forklaring.

    • He gave a complicated explanation of the system. Han gav en komplisert forklaring av systemet.

  • 1 the act or process of explaining -- forklaring, utgreiing

    • Let me give a few words of explanation.

  • 2 a statement or fact that explains -- årsak(ssammenheng), forklaring


Examples of explanation

  • Restricting explanation to the actual microcausal chain misses this structural fact.

  • Here, then, an alternative explanation of the equitable man is required.

  • A theoretical explanation of these unexpected findings seems in order.

  • But if both processes are operating, what explanation provides a synthesis?

  • There are at least three alternative explanations for our results other than evidence of a transmission cost to inducing symptoms.

  • Therefore, the psychiatric conditions were not regarded as a plausible explanation of the symptoms.

  • Even so, an explanation why just these symptoms co-occur would be welcome.

  • The economic explanation for the timber market effects of a negative stock shock is not difficult to see.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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