constituent Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 sb who votes in a particular area -- velger [ masculine ]

    • the Senator’s loyal constituents senatorens trofaste velgere

  • 1 one of the parts that form sth -- bestanddel [ masculine ]

    • a major constituent of some bio fuels en viktig bestanddel i noen typer biobrensel

  • 2 a necessary part -- nødvendig bestanddel

    • Hydrogen is a constituent of water.

  • 3 a voter from a particular member of parliament’s constituency -- velger

    • He deals with all his constituents’ problems.

  • 4 -- som utgjør en del av et hele (bestanddel)


Examples of constituent

  • Being moral virtues, these dispositions must be constituents rather than mere instr uments of worthwhile lives.

  • Law, he contends that certain legal rules are necessar y constituents of any legal system.

  • Given the left-headedness of branching constituents, it is the first portion of a target diphthong that would be expected to survive shortening.

  • The alignment of the pitch accents with the prosodic constituents sheds light on aspects of stress structure traditionally problematic, such as proparoxitones or clitic adjunction.

  • Exploring how non-life "could live" in the digital domain, alife uncovers the principles that govern the emergence of life-like qualities, independent of life's material constituents.

  • A thorough understanding of how such constituents change over time would allow us to extrapolate, from fossil evidence, aspects of the original biochemistry.

  • The primordial chemical reactions and the energy sources, which produced the early constituents of proteins and nucleic acids, have been simulated by many authors.

  • The political platform thus functioned as a two-way interface, through which politicians negotiated their position with their constituents.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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