bat Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 a wooden stick used to hit a baseball -- balltre [ neuter ]

    • to hit the ball with the bat å slå ballen med balltreet

  • 1 a mammal with wings that flies at night -- flaggermus [ masculine ]

    • Bats hunt at night. Flaggermus jager om natten.

  • 2 to be a player hitting in baseball -- slå

    • Who’s batting first? Hvem slår først?

  • 3 to not show any negative reaction -- uten å blunke

    • “Of course I’ll do it,” she said without batting an eye. “Klart jeg skal gjøre det,” sa han uten å blunke.

  • 4 to do sth to help or show support -- å kjempe for noen

    • He went to bat for me when nobody else believed me. Han kjempet for meg da ingen andre trodde på meg.

  • 5 a shaped piece of wood etc for striking the ball in cricket, baseball, table-tennis etc -- balltre

    • a baseball/cricket/table-tennis bat.


Examples of bat

  • The morphology of the capitula suggests they are not well adapted for pollination by other nocturnal vectors such as bats or moths.

  • The flower visitation behaviour of a bat over the night seems to be shaped by a combination of intrinsic physiological factors and by nectar availability.

  • No trematodes were observed in the lung or air sac, heart, liver, spleen and kidney of all bats and swallows.

  • Furthermore, over a day, the rapid growth rate of leaves could render a roost unsuitable, obliging the bats therein to move.

  • Results showed that bats were less susceptible than mice to the genotype 5 viruses and that incubation periods were longer.

  • So lots of viable seeds were dispersed by bats through excretion.

  • Our results suggest that the strength of the filter exerted by open areas is related with the body size of the neotropical fruit bats.

  • Human exposure through biting incidents, especially unprovoked attacks, should be treated immediately with rabies post-exposure treatment and the bat, where possible, retained for laboratory analysis.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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