along Definisjon på norsk

  • 0 moving forward -- langs

  • 1 in a line near sth -- langs

    • flowers growing along the edge of the road blomster som vokser langs veikanten

  • 2 during a period of time or a process -- underveis

  • 3 moving forward -- bortover

    • He walked along, whistling. Han gikk plystrende videre.

  • 4 indicates sb or sth is with you -- innom

    • Is it OK if I come along? Er det greit hvis jeg kommer innom?

  • 5 in addition to -- med

    • I bought this along with another CD. Jeg kjøpte denne/dette sammen med en annen CD.


Examples of along

  • The three legs can slide along the same circular guide.

  • The first and second legs provide two constraints on the rotation of the moving platform about the z-axis and the translation along x -axis.

  • The unit vector ui along the axis of the fixed revolute joint of the universal joint is determined from the geometry of the mechanism.

  • All along the priority was on training, development and project management.

  • R 2 are fixed such that, along this subsequence, (90) holds.

  • Second, there are many fundamental relationships about existing retirement income systems not well-understood, along with the responses of individuals and firms to these systems.

  • Problems of mappings of information from one medium to another are considered, along with problems of reception for artworks made with these methods.

  • Referring to figure 2, let us use pi to denote the displacement of the mass mi from its rest position along the line.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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