practice Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av practice På norsk

  • 0 time or an occasion spent improving a skill by doing it repeatedly -- trening [ masculine ]

    • It takes a lot of practice to be a dancer. Det trengs mye øvelse for å bli danser.

    • With practice your driving will become more automatic. Med noe trening vil kjøringen din bli mer automatisk.

    • football practice after school fotballtrening etter skolen

    • “Do you speak French?” “Yes, but I’m completely out of practice.” “Snakker du fransk?” “Ja, men jeg er helt ute av trening.”

  • 1 real situations, not ones that exist only in theory -- praksis [ masculine ]

    • This is an idea that will work in practice. Dette er en idé som vil virke i praksis.

    • new ideas that the company is putting into practice nye ideer som selskapet omsetter i praksis

  • 2 a usual or traditional way of doing sth, or the thing that is done -- praksis [ masculine ]

    • ethical business practices etisk forretningspraksis

    • groups working to end the practice of employing children grupper som arbeider for å få en slutt på praksisen med å ansette barn

    • It is common practice to buy votes in this country. Det er vanlig praksis å kjøpte stemmer i dette landet.

  • 3 the profession of being a doctor, lawyer, or dentist -- praksis [ masculine ]

    • How long have you been in practice? Hvor lenge har du vært i yrket?

    • the practice of law advokatpraksis

  • 4 the office of a doctor, lawyer, or dentist -- kontor [ neuter ]

    • a dental practice on Main Street et tannlegekontor i Main Street

  • 5 to improve a skill by doing it repeatedly -- øve

    • You’ll get better at it if you practice. Du blir flinkere til det hvis du øver.

    • She’s practicing her jump shot. Hun trener på hoppeskuddet sitt.

  • 6 to work as a doctor, lawyer, or dentist -- praktisere

    • Is Dr. Lawrence still practicing? Driver dr. Lawrence fortsatt sin praksis?

    • She hopes to practice medicine some day. Hun håper at hun kan praktisere legeyrket en dag.

  • 7 to regularly behave in a particular way -- praktisere

  • 8 to do what you tell others to do -- lev som du lærer

    • If you don’t practice what you preach, why should your children listen to you? Hvis du ikke lever som du lærer, hvorfor skulle barna dine høre på deg?

  • 9 the actual doing of something, as opposed to the theory or idea -- praksis

    • In theory the plan should work, but in practice there are a lot of difficulties.

  • 10 the usual way(s) of doing things; (a) habit or custom -- skikk, vane

  • 11 the repeated performance or exercise of something in order to learn to do it well -- øving, øvelse

  • 12 a doctor’s or lawyer’s business -- (lege-/advokat)praksis

    • He has a practice in Southampton.

Flere definisjoner av practice

Eksempler på practice

  • The positive part aims to show that adoption and practice are sufficient to create the fundamental plans of a legal system.

  • Most of the agriculture practiced here is short-term rice and manioc followed by 4- 7 y of fallow.

  • Unfortunately, rigorous scientific data are lacking on the efficacy and effectiveness to justify medical practice.

  • Here was a version of philosophical commerce closer to our own definition of the word "commerce," yet one intimately related to practice.

  • In practice this procedure would also issue an order to physically ship the merchandise.

  • Moreover, the usage of a purely mass-memory evaluation strategy improves previous deductive systems, eliminating, in practice, any limitation in the dimension of the input data.

  • Promoting psychological well-being in the face of serious illness : when theory, research and practice inform each other.

  • Older physicians, in contrast, probably looked forward to returning to their established practices.

Flere eksempler på practice

Oversettelser av practice på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    行動, 實施,實踐, 慣常的行為…

  • 中文简体

    行动, 实施,实践, 惯常的行为…

  • Español

    práctica, costumbre, ortografía americana de “practise”: ensayar…

  • Português

    prática, treino, ensaio…

  • 日本語

    練習, 訓練, 行為…

  • Türk dili

    çalışma, idman, pratik…

  • Français

    pratique [feminine], entraînement [masculine], exercice [masculine]…

  • Catalan

    pràctica, hàbit, ortografia americana de “practise”…

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