occur Betydning & definisjon

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Betydning av occur På norsk

  • 0 to happen -- skje

    • the events that occurred that night hendelsene som skjedde den natten

  • 1 to be found in -- forekomme

    • the vitamins and minerals that occur naturally in vegetables vitaminene og mineralene som forekommer naturlig i grønnsaker

  • 2 used to say sb thinks of sth -- noe/det faller noen inn

    • The idea occurred to him that she might have left. Tanken på at hun kunne ha dratt falt ham inn.

    • It never occurred to me to call her. Det falt meg aldri inn å ringe henne.

  • 3 to take place -- hende, skje

  • 4 (with to) to come into one’s mind -- falle inn, slå

    • An idea occurred to him

    • It occurred to me to visit my parents.

  • 5 to be found -- finnes, forekomme

    • Oil occurs under the sea.

Flere definisjoner av occur

Eksempler på occur

  • Thirty-five such fractions were delivered to compensate for the 62 gaps occurring and thus 56% were compensated for overall.

  • No change in the pattern of empirical results occurs if the maximum is used instead.

  • A second opportunity occurs during the congressional midterm election.

  • Thirdly, a 'nationalization' of southern politics has occurred.

  • We do not know which occurred first: the telephone or the doorstep canvass.

  • The maximum change that has occurred is about one tenth of this.

  • We treat the end of a government term as occurring either when there is an election, or when there is a change of prime minister.

  • In so far as this occurs through democratic transition, many of their demands are met, and their political impetus begins to decline.

Flere eksempler på occur

Oversettelser av occur på andre språk

  • 中文繁体

    發生, (尤指事故及其他意外事件)發生, 存在…

  • 中文简体

    发生, (尤指事故及其他意外事件)发生, 存在…

  • Español

    ocurrir, existir, aparecer…

  • Português

    acontecer, ocorrer, existir…

  • 日本語

    ~が起こる, ~に現れる…

  • Türk dili

    meydana gelmek, olmak, vuku bulmak…

  • Français

    arriver, se produire, se trouver dans…

  • Catalan

    ocórrer, existir, trobar-se…

Flere oversettelser av occur



May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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