
Dette er ordets definitions relatert til recognition. Klikk på et hvilket som helst ord for å gå til ordets detaljside. Eller, gå til definisjonen av recognition.

Betydning av recognition på norsk

  • 0 praise, awards, etc. given for an achievement

    • the teacher’s public recognition of her students’ efforts lærerens offentlige anerkjennelse av sine elevers anstrengelser

    • Her salary was raised in recognition of her hard work. Lønnen hennes ble økt som anerkjennelse at det harde arbeidet hennes.

  • 1 understanding and acceptance

    • his recognition that he had caused some of the problems hans erkjennelse av at han hadde forårsaket noen av problemene

  • 2 the fact of knowing sb or sth because you have seen, heard, etc. them before

    • a lack of recognition in her eyes manglende gjenkjennelse i blikket hennes

    • a voice recognition system et system for stemmegjenkjennelse

  • 3 official acceptance of a group, country, etc.

  • 4 the act or state of recognizing or being recognized

    • They gave the boy a medal in recognition of his courage

    • I said hello to him but he showed no recognition.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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