seventh Definitie in het Nederlands

  • 0 7th written as a word: --

    • Our team was/came seventh.

    • It's the seventh (of May) today.

  • 1 one of seven equal parts of something --

  • 2 (in the position of) the number 7 in a series; 7th: --

    • [ C ] It’s the seventh of May today.

    • Our team came in seventh.


Examples of seventh

  • Let us suppose that he spends 104 nights of the year with his child, which is two-sevenths of the year.

  • If someone moves down to working four days a week, he or she will have four sevenths of a pension.

  • In other words three-sevenths of the increase goes to those counties and county boroughs which are what we call necessitous areas.

  • She has lost five-sevenths of that trade, and instead of 7,000,000,000 the rate now is in the neighbourhood of 2,000,000,000.

  • The amount of paper would be about two-sevenths of the existing books and the printing less than one-third.

  • I worked that out as amounting to five-sevenths of a penny per pound.

  • The odd fraction, two-sevenths, reflects their favourable conclusion about it.

  • Five-sevenths of them, will get the pensions, but there will be two-sevenths who will pay contributions, but, having other income, will not come into pension.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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