
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan zooplankton. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van zooplankton.

Voorbeelden van zooplankton

  • The role of zooplankton in the transmission of helminth parasites to fish.

  • The habitat is rich in fauna including a range of zooplankton, fish and birds.

  • As a consequence of the gradient in environmental conditions, the distribution of zooplankton and definitive hosts is also influenced.

  • Initially, the constraints of small jaw size in larval fish necessitate feeding on zooplankton, which are difficult to detect visually.

  • In tropical waters, zooplankton are a dominant trophic link to pelagic fish.

  • This decline was attributed to climatic changes that affected the entire food chain from zooplankton to fish, sea birds and marine mammals.

  • This pattern also determines the distribution of zooplankton, with a characteristic specific composition in different water masses.

  • It is not immediately clear why this should be so, but it may relate to abundance of zooplankton.

  • In addition, mysids can migrate into the zooplankton.

  • They were part of a complex trophic web of the time including primary producers (phytoplankton) and primary to tertiary consumers (zooplankton and filterfeeders, suspension and deposit feeders, and invertebrate predators).

  • We were unable to count particles on the 250 and 125 m sieves owing to the abundance of zooplankton faecal pellets that obscured the charcoal.

  • Cladocerans amounted to maximum 5% of the zooplankton numbers, and rotifers were always at relative abundances lower than 1%, possibly due to inadequate mesh size to sample all rotifer species.

  • Crustacean zooplankton food web structure in lakes of varying acidity.

  • In weak ones, anchoveta and zooplankton both consume phytoplankton and are in turn ingested by carnivores.

  • Zooplankton was sampled in the coastal and in the pelagic zone (c. 2.5 km offshore).

Betekenis van zooplankton

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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