
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan paragon. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van paragon.

Voorbeelden van paragon

  • Such a paragon would notice that tables and text do not always agree, dangling participial clauses occur and certain modifiers ('highly,' 'all-important') are overworked.

  • The records of this farm are not a paragon of efficient and coherent bookkeeping.

  • Over the century or more that followed, it became both the object of bouts of legal repression and a paragon of popular culture.

  • Although it was not a paragon of subtlety, subsequent research showed it to be highly predictive.

  • The fax is the paragon of the barbichette : he systematically recopies, hence he cannot make the mistake first!

  • The copycat is the paragon of the good logical joke, which conveys a large part of the intuition of what is an identity axiom.

  • In terms of properties, they are the paragon of extrospection.

  • The program is therefore the paragon of the good question: a definite negative answer, and outstanding side effects.

  • However, they were not all paragons of virtue always acting in good faith for the 'common good'.

  • Domestically insulated from these pressures to achieve, women were called upon to become paragons of passive innocence, repositories of the complementary values of selflessness, docility, and unchanging goodness.

  • Pasa, usually considered the paragon of democracy and liberalism, appears here in a different light.

  • Yet this did not prevent her from noting women's frequent dissatisfaction in these roles, or the loss to society of stifling paragons of probity by restricting them to the home.

  • I was briefed by the hackney carriage trade, which is the paragon of private enterprise, never receiving 1p of public subsidy.

  • However successful these paragons of mine are in producing new devices for alternative energy, as has been mentioned many times today, this takes time.

  • They are great paragons of the relatively open market and low taxation.

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