
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan excessive. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van excessive.

Voorbeelden van excessive

  • The film was criticized for its excessive violence and nudity.

  • The message of the campaign is that excessive drinking is a health risk.

  • They complained about excessive government intrusion into their legitimate activities.

  • For years, the organization was constrained by excessive bureaucracy.

  • The word 'lady' has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.

  • They were quick, however, to use beads in more excessive and radical ways.

  • After haemofiltration, which probably eliminated the excessive amount of triiodothyronine, cardiovascular as well as renal functions returned to normal.

  • He took up the cause of private enterprise and complained of excessive taxes and government interference.

  • If there is too little regulation, excessive costs may be imposed on third parties and the net social benefits of transfers may be negative.

  • The memory needed for this table plus the peak heap size must be small enough to avoid excessive paging.

  • The lowest maize yield harvested in 1996/97 under sole maize was attributed to leaching and water logging due to excessive rainfall and lodging.

  • Possibly he objected to honouring the unconsecrated bread and wine with excessive ceremony.

  • His enthusiasm for his subject produces some excessive stylistic flourishes, dramatic metaphors, rhetorical questions.

  • Among other sleep disorders, four patients noticed difficulties in falling asleep in each group, and one patient had excessive daytime sleepiness in the modafinil group.

  • The high incidence of complications was related to excessive shunt, especially with the prostheses sutured on the ascending aorta or on the brachiocephalic artery.

  • However, there are good reasons for believing that these problems are not excessive for our current purposes.

  • Examples of extraordinary measures include those procedures that incur excessive cost, pain, or burden or lack substantial benefit to the patient.

  • It is characterized by developmentally excessive activity, impulsivity, and disorganized, offtask behaviors.

  • The legislative branch must also enact federal tort reform to allow providers to stop spending millions on needlessly defensive and excessive care.

  • The use of colorful language and superfluous details is further illustrated by the journalist's excessive description of the protagonist's appearance.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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