
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan condensed-milk. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van condensed-milk.

Voorbeelden van condensed milk

  • Add condensed milk, and fill with water, after which, let the pot stand on the hob an hour before use. 

  • Condensed milk does not sour as long as the can remains unopened. 

  • Drinking a can of condensed milk between us, we pushed on. 

  • Either unsweetened condensed milk or milk powder can take the place of fresh milk. 

  • There was no cow in the place, but condensed milk was allowed. 

  • The use of condensed milk did vary from place to place.

  • A far greater danger was the use of condensed milk.

  • As fresh milk was expensive, poor households frequently used sweetened machine-skimmed condensed milk.

  • A major reason for the use of condensed milk in infant feeding was that in poor families machine-skimmed condensed milk was in general use in the household, particularly for tea-making.

  • In 1900, the only form of preserved milk for which separate particulars of imports were secured was condensed milk.

  • The new distribution applies only to canned fruit, canned meat, canned fish and condensed milk.

  • Similar particulars are not available for unsweetened condensed milk, separated or skimmed.

  • There is no need for us to import that very large quantity of condensed milk from overseas.

  • These figures are, of course, exclusive of the imports of condensed milk, milk produce, and milk otherwise preserved.

  • They had condensed milk and very little else on the table.

  • Moreover, we have a very fair stock of condensed milk in hand.

  • The working-class regard tinned fruit as a luxury, but condensed milk is recognised as an absolute necessity.

  • I am not thinking merely of butter, but of condensed milk, which is one of the important outlets for milk products in this country.

  • Then there are condensed milk, milk powder and various things like that.

  • Imports of foreign condensed milk were equivalent to 58,800,000 gallons of fresh milk, of which over 50,000,000 gallons represented separated condensed milk.

Betekenis van condensed milk

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