
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan burgling. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van burgling.

Voorbeelden van burgling

  • On their return they discovered that their house had been burgled.

  • After her house was burgled, she made a claim on her insurance.

  • Hearing strange noises downstairs, the old lady thought she was being burgled.

  • He went out burgling nearly every night to support his drugs habit.

  • The place was in such a mess that I thought we'd been burgled.

  • It transpired that there were only two little boys asleep: all the others had broken out and were burgling.

  • However, some people are daily harassed by that kind of minor burgling.

  • Let us suppose that two men take part in burgling a house.

  • However, the intention to burgle remains the same, the act of burgling is just as serious.

  • To my mind, it is extremely excessive to keep on the statute book a sentence of 14 years for the offence of burgling people's homes.

  • My second objection is to the intrusive surveillance—bugging and burgling.

  • It is the object of assisting the police in preventing people burgling your flat or mine, or pinching your car or mine.

  • One will never be able to catch all illegal immigrants or stop people burgling and breaking into houses.

  • Why, even in extraordinary circumstances, should a chief constable be able to authorise the bugging and burgling of premises?

  • Reoffending rates clearly show that, if burglars and others are behind bars, they are not out burgling people's houses.

  • This is really like a burglar declaring his intention to stop burgling certain homes—not all—and then expecting the public to admire him for his abstinence.

  • The police responded to a call with enormous speed and the man was caught red-handed burgling my constituent's home.

  • However, we tend to give it a lower rating as a socially unacceptable thing to do than burgling someone's home or stealing.

  • Pushers create a dependency market for which they have guaranteed customers who have less and less money and thus go thieving, burgling and nicking.

  • Many people in the courts who are guilty of persistent burgling and drug dealing will receive much greater sentences.

Betekenis van burgling

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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